Conflating Health Insurance with Health CARE

Our politicians do not learn from history, even our own. House Bill 100 (“New Mexico Health Care Access Wins Final Approval,” Los Alamos Post, Feb 19) just passed is touted to “increase[s] access to high-quality health care.”Sadly, this is not true. HB 100 will provide additional funds (“tools”) to BeWellNM, New Mexico’s ACA-created health insuranceContinue reading “Conflating Health Insurance with Health CARE”

Why Don’t We Get Monthly Medicare Checks Like Social Security?

Long, long ago (“in a galaxy far, far away”), I was a schoolboy near Liverpool, England. In 1960, I won the Old Wallaseyans Stumps Speeches Debating Trophy. It was nice to win, but the really good part was that in the final round, I beat my brother Stewart. He and I competed for everything fromContinue reading “Why Don’t We Get Monthly Medicare Checks Like Social Security?”

Can We “Build on ACA Success”?

Democrats plan to make healthcare a defining issue in the 2020 presidential election. Their rallying cry is, “Build on the success of the ACA!” Is the ACA, in fact, a success, based on facts and evidence, not rhetoric and spin? Did Obamacare live up to its official name? Did it make health insurance “Affordable?” DidContinue reading “Can We “Build on ACA Success”?”

Five Bogus Healthcare Narratives and One True

There are so many compelling narratives about healthcare, people simply can’t distinguish truth from falsehood. Without knowing the facts about healthcare, we cannot fix it. Following are five examples of commonly accepted wisdom that are bogus, myths, and one true narrative. When you accept that Washington is the cancer in healthcare, the cure becomes clear,Continue reading “Five Bogus Healthcare Narratives and One True”

The BIGGEST Healthcare Lie: Washington Will Provide Our Care

Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress have bought into three healthcare lies: big, bigger, and biggest. The first says health insurance is what we need. The second presumes that having insurance means you will get care. The biggest lie is that Washington will deliver timely medical care for all Americans.  For five decades, Washington’s fixes for healthcareContinue reading “The BIGGEST Healthcare Lie: Washington Will Provide Our Care”

Why Did I Get the Wrong Rx?

The reason you got a prescription for the wrong medication is simple. Your doctor did not choose it, someone who never heard your name and doesn’t know your medical history, that faceless person decided what medicines you take. These faceless, unseen doctors-without-licenses are government rule writers, insurance actuaries, and bureaucrats working for pharmacy benefits management (PBM). EveryContinue reading “Why Did I Get the Wrong Rx?”

Single Payer Is Root Cause for VA Deaths

Former Chief of Staff of the Army and current Secretary of Veterans Affairs Secretary Shinseki “falling on his sword” won’t bring back a single veteran who died needlessly while waiting for approved medical care. He is being used as a scapegoat. Singling out specific institutions such as Phoenix VA Hospital is a diversionary tactic — it won’t getContinue reading “Single Payer Is Root Cause for VA Deaths”

How to Fix American Healthcare: Kick Out Washington

There are six important reasons to kick Washington OUT of U.S. healthcare. Simply put, healthcare is not in their wheelhouse. The solution to our failing healthcare system is StatesCare, not more-of-the-same Washington domination, called single payer or Medicare-for-All. Reason #1: Track record The first and most obvious reason to kick Washington out is its track record. For more than fiftyContinue reading “How to Fix American Healthcare: Kick Out Washington”

Top Reasons to Buy Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare

The COVID pandemic has shown how much we need the private sector in healthcare. It was the free market that got us early testing, ramped up production of personal protective equipment and ventilators, and instantly developed ideas for both treatment drugs and vaccines. Meanwhile, the public sector, Washington, expends trillions of our “healthcare” dollars onContinue reading “Top Reasons to Buy Curing the Cancer in U.S. Healthcare”

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